Our wonderful new MOVIES available!!!!

We are so excited!!! We have several wonderful, new little films that we have finished and are now offering for people to purchase!!
They will be listed on my website:
and on my Etsy store:

I had been trying to post them a few weeks ago but just didn't get everything ready in time, but now we do have them listed for you to purchase!! They are wonderful little films and are so enchanting and pretty!!

The first film we are offering is called......."The French Laundress". It is really adorable and is very different. It is about a pretty little chair that is abandoned and left behind in a lovely laundry room of a chauteau. One day, the French Laundress discoveres this pretty little creation, waiting quietly, but sadly in the corner of the laundry room. Soon, the little chair is saved and loved by many curious people and a happy ending ensues! Many surprising little turns in this short film for children adults!

Our second film is called......."The Curious People of the Enchanted Treehouse". It is a wonderful film about many curious and funny characters who live in and around the mysterious Enchanted Treehouse in a magical forest. Each character has their own particular odd and sweet personalities and together, they all create a magical, wondrous world with the Enchanted Treehouse. Humorous and charming, this little film will delight anyone!!

The third little movie we are offering is called....."The Enchanted Discovery". This sweet film is an adventure of surprise and delight. A little bird wispers to a little girl about a magical, mysterious house that is filled with wonders and surprises. She discovers the house and all it's pretty rooms filled with little chairs and books, smaller than one could imagine. "Who made this house".....she wonders. A wonderful journey for little girls or anyone who loves adventure and surprise.
We hope you will go our website or our Etsy store to see more about these wonderful films!!! And be sure to come back to my blog to hear more about our other delightful, charming films!!! They are so much fun!
Have fun!!


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