My new video on Youtube works!!!

Hello everyone!!

Thanks to Ulla, I found out that my little video on fairy furniture works.......on Youtube!! I had uploaded it to Youtube the other day but then couldn't find it by just searching the regular way. I was able to view it when I was in my account but couldn't see it by just searching. But today, Ulla wrote to me and said she found it right away!

So just go to Youtube in the general search for videos and put in "Fairy Furniture" and you'll see it's the first one there! I am so excited!!!! My first video on Youtube. Mike and I have actually made the most fantastic little children's movie (a short) that we are excited about. We will be putting part of it on Youtube, so you can get a feeling for what it is like and then we will be selling copies of the entire movie on our website and on my Etsy shop!!!! It's probably about 30 minutes long and is so fantastic!!! It is about these wonderful little forest people who live in the Treehouse!! You'll love it! I will let you know when it is showing on Youtube, which will be very soon!!!

Have fun!


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