Guest Room Ready

Hello all my sweet friends!  How are you? 

I am great because one of my best friends just came from Georgia for a visit and we had a blast together with our children and some other close friends.

I love having an extra bedroom for our guests to sleep in when they come for a visit.  That way,  everyone else gets to keep their room which means that everyone gets a good night’s sleep.

Our guest room is not very large but has everything it needs to make it comfy and cozy.

friends 3

I love using the scrabble tiles to leave little messages.  Aren’t they fun to use throughout the house?

The beautiful clay tag was a sweet gift from Laurie over at Heaven's Walk.  (go see her lovely farmhouse..gorgeous)

friends 2


The vintage white gloves belonged to my mother, I think.


Of course, every guest room needs fresh flowers and I love to get the $5.00 bouquets at Wal-Mart and divide them up around our house.

Do you see the little black watch?  That belonged to my sweet grandmother.

table 1

I picked up this electric “oil” lamp at Goodwill a few weeks ago.  Love it!  I also added a small candle and some matches just in case the electricity went out.  Best to be  prepared, right!


I have this little basket filled with a few things that my guests might need. 


A few reading books lie close by the bed in case there is time to sit and relax and read.

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This little corner is not very exciting and  has very little in it because it needs to be functional. 

I do want my guests to know how special they are, so this chalkboard message is the first thing they see when they walk in the room.

rack 1

This luggage rack is a nice way to get your suitcase off of the ground and make it easier to get to your clothes.

Wondering at all why there is a curtain on the wall behind the luggage rack?

Let me show you the not so pretty part of this room…the reality part…


Yep, that’s a big hole in the wall that my husband had to cut out to fix a problem with the plumbing in the adjoining bathroom.

He has not had a chance to fix the wall and it sure isn’t pretty…thus…the curtain to hide it.

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dress 2

I hung this pretty little girl’s dress on my metal shopping cart.  It  just adds a  little  interest to this window.  The shopping cart comes out on flea market weekends.

Just a note to all guests staying in this room…you  WILL be woken up by our rooster, Boots, crowing  in the wee morning hours.  So sorry…


I use this old shutter that I found in a pile of trash as  a ladder sort of thing.  I took most of the slats out of it so that I could use it like this. 

bed 2

The coverlet for my antique bed came from my mother’s mom.    It is beautiful and old.

bed 3

I was so excited to find two king size pillow shams from the Shabby Chic Line from Target.   Another Goodwill score!

full bed

I always have an extra blanket or quilt lying around in case it gets cold at night.  

full bed 2

I so want our guests to feel welcome when they come for a visit.  My desire is for them to feel like our home is a second home.  I want them to be able to rest and relax and be comfortable.

Ok, I have to say that when my friends come bearing gifts, that just makes it so much fun.  Just sayin.  Remember, gifts are part of my love language.

Let me show you what my sweet friend brought me when she came this week.


Is this not great!!  I wonder how she knew that I liked anything white. 

And, she made it, which makes it 1000 times better.  Thanks to my sweet friend.

I hope you enjoyed this little tour of our guest room.  Small, but sweet and welcoming, I hope.


I have added lots of new things to my Etsy shop.  Go over and take a look if you have a few extra minutes.


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