Do You Ever Wonder Why You Blog

There have been times that I have questioned why I love this thing called blogging so much. 


Why do I spend a little too much time checking out what everyone is doing in their homes and not doing what I need to do in my own.


How could I really be forming friendships with ladies that I have never met in person and some I have never even seen a photograph of.


How is it possible that this computer of mine and this little blog could actually be a catalyst in creating a friendship that will forever change mine and my family’s lives.


Has blogging really done all that?


Well, actually, God has done that through this blog.  He has used my little All Things Home blog to open up doors that would have possibly never been opened.


God has brought a Louisiana family into the lives of this Tennessee family and I can readily say that none of us will ever be the same again.


Now, would you believe me if I told you that I packed up our two daughters and drove all the way to Louisiana to meet a blogging friend that I had never met but had only talked to on the phone and emailed many times?


After much prayer by my hubby and I, that’s exactly what I did, because I knew I was supposed to.  Do you know what I mean?


I mean that I knew it was ordained by God that I meet this lady.  I knew that we were kindred spirits and that we were supposed to be friends.


Our daughters had already formed friendships over the telephone also so that was easy.


We got in our car and we drove.  The girls and I first went to Texas to visit my dad and stepmother and then we went to Louisiana where we stayed for a whole week.  Yep, with strangers.  Crazy, huh?  (Should I do a disclaimer here or something?)


But remember, they weren’t really strangers at all because God had already placed them deeply in our hearts.


Can I tell you a really crazy thing?  I truly feel like I have met my long lost sister.  We are so very much alike, as are our children and our husbands.  I mean really really alike.


This lady is fabulous.  She loves the Lord.  She loves her husband.  She loves her children.  She loves York Peppermint Patties.  She loves Dr. Pepper.  She loves flea markets. She loves white.   She loves my family.


Can you tell that we bonded?  We truly did.  Like deep in our hearts bonded.  Like sisters bonded.  Like forever bonded.


And so did our families. 


Okay..okay…I know you want to see some photos so I am going to show you some right now.


louisiana sign


This is my sweet friend Becky from Buckets Of Burlap and she is my sister from another mother.  Actually, she is my sister in Christ.  This lady  is beautiful on the inside and the outside.


I have to show you a couple of shots of our children together, but I am going to save a few photos for another time so I don’t overwhelm you too badly.


faith and kynli


Our two youngest daughters who became instant BFFs.    These girls were precious together and they were inseparable. 


candy land 2


Our two oldest daughters are both major sporty girls and hit it off wonderfully.  Awesome was the word used a lot to describe what Beth thought of her new friend.


And that sweet little guy in the middle playing with them was absolutely adorable.  I mean beyond CUTE!  We fell totally in love with him.


faith and kohl


You cannot even imagine how this guy made us laugh.




We found out that you can make up cheers about anything and everything.  So fun!!





Here’s all the kiddos except for my son who has been working at a church camp all summer and didn’t get to go.  Next time my guys will go with us.


Here is the entire Louisiana family that we now call family…




I know you have all had enough for tonight so I will share more later.


I can’t wait to show you the beautiful shop that Becky took me to in Canton, Texas.   I also have to show you some of the special things that she did for us while we were there.  This lady can cook and is a wonderful hostess.   She also has a beautiful home that was like walking into a magazine.  And, her husband is a majorly talented man with carpentry skills that are amazing.  Together, they are a fantastic team!


Will share more later.  Hope you will come back and see more of our amazing trip next time.


God bless you all!!


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