Canvas Tool Bag

Hi everyone!

I hope today has been a wonderful day for you.   If it hasn’t, I hope tomorrow will be better.  I, for one, have a lot of friends with hurting hearts right now.  Boy, it’s hard when there’s nothing you can do.   I can sure pray!!

I have been eager to show you a cool bag I found recently.  (yes, at the flea market)

door 7

Isn’t that the coolest tool bag? 

Can you believe I have something that dirty and grungy looking hanging in my living room?

Sure you can.  Smile

door 2

door 4

My aunt made the little basket years ago.  It holds old black and white family photos.

door 9

Okay, I just think things were made so much prettier and cooler way back then.  Don’t you agree?

I tell my sweet husband all the time that he’s lucky that I like old stuff so well.  The older he gets…the more I will love him.  Smile


Company coming into town this week so I will be out of commission for a few days. 

Take care, my friends.

Linking up at Coastal Charm, Cedar Hill Ranch


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