Press coverage!

The article about our house ran in the Oregonian this morning (in our local "Community News" section) and was posted on Oregon Live yesterday:

On Thursday, Val and I spent an hour going over the spacing of the kitchen cabinets. The western side of the kitchen is sandwiched between two walls, and before Val frames those walls he wants to be sure there's enough room between the walls for the cabinets. We already own the cabinets (they're flat-packed in Bryan's dad's garage) and we based our cabinet purchase on the drawings, but there are variables that are not obvious to newbies like me and Bryan, such as how much space we need on either side of the refrigerator and the end cabinets, as well as between the cabinets. We're pretty tight, but we agreed that we can adjust the southern wall (which borders the door to my office) and shrink the office door's molding, or even the door itself, if we need to. We're hoping to still be able to fit my giant teak desk in through the office door, but if necessary we can bring it into the office through the stairwell. Watch out, movers!


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