Guess Where I'm Going...

I can't wait for Friday morning!

I have looked forward to this for exactly one year!

I will be driving, treasure hunting, driving more, treasure hunting more!

Are you curious at all where I'm going?

I'll just show you...

TAKE A QUICK LOOK HERE if you want to see full details.

Can I say "YAY for me"?

675 miles of treasures just lying in wait for me to ponder over.

I am so excited!!

No, I won't be going from start to finish, but I will be hitting a lot of it.

My son, who is my official navigator, and I went last year.  This year, he can't go the first day but will meet up with me the second day.  So, for the beginning, I will be going it alone.  I don't mind though.  I seem to get along pretty well with myself and never have to debate on what to do next or where to eat.   I can also listen to my music for awhile.

 I will be going for two full days of endless yardsaling.  Can it get any better than this?  It would probably be better if it wasn't so terribly hot, but I will not complain.

Have any of you ever gone to The Endless Yardsale?   Did you love it?

 Check out the places it runs through because it may be near you and I promise it would be worth your time.

If any of you think about me over the weekend, you can offer up a prayer of safety.  The traffic is horrible and last year I was hit from the back and ended up with a totaled van.  Not so fun part, but God protected us from any physical harm.

I will look forward to sharing about my trip and what goodies I find next week. 

Wish you could all go with me...Really, wouldn't that be fun? 


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