I've Been Busy, Part 2

Hello everyone!  I hope you are having a great day.  I have spent the last couple of weeks trying to get through my long list of projects and get ready for a party I am hosting. There is nothing like having a party at my home to get me motivated to finish all my little projects.

The first thing I tackled was this cute little iron footstool that I purchased at a thrift shop.  It was already painted white so all I did was reupholster the top. Here is the before picture.

And here is the after.

Using blue tape I painted the stripes on the burlap to give it somewhat of the effect of a grain sack.  I love that the color goes so well with my rug and the furniture in this room. 

This mirror is a Craigslist find.  It was a pretty mirror in the gold finish but didn't really go with the room.  I painted it with leftover pale gray paint, dry brushed with a little off-white and then lightly distressed.

So much better!  The mirror now has a new home in our living room. The plates on the wall were an Ebay purchase several years ago. 

I love the detail.

Thanks so much for stopping by and I always love hearing from you!
xo, Sherry

I am joining the parties at :


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