Do You Want To Smile?

I love to smile!

I love to laugh!

I love to laugh so hard that it makes me look all goofy.

My kids would tell you that I laugh so hard that I snort.  (yes, snort)  I know none of you wanted to hear that, but it's just the truth and the truth hurts sometimes.

You know the Bible says that a cheerful heart is like good medicine.

There are actually lots of things and lots of people who put a smile on my face and laughter in my heart.

Tonight, however, I am going to send you over to meet two of my blogging friends that always make me smile and laugh out loud as I read what they have to share.

A lot of you already know Shannan at Flower Patch Farmgirl, but if you don't, you have to go for a visit with her.  She is one neat lady.  God has blessed she and her husband with an amazing family and she loves to share stories about them.  This lady is full of so much honesty and humor, and the combination is great.  I look forward to scrolling down my blog roll and finding what she's written because I know something good is waiting.  I'm telling you, this lady can write some funny, heartwarming stuff.

And then there is another lady, who I absolutely adore.  She is one of the funniest people I know and I have never met her.    Kolein, at Kitchen Table Productions, is new to blogging like I am.  Can I just tell you that this lady is a hoot?  Do you all know what a hoot is or is that a southern thing?  I'm telling you, she makes me laugh.  She would be the one who if I was sitting at a table with her, I would be snorting.  Sorry with the snorting thing again.  It's really not that bad, just a slip here and there.  Kolein is hilarious. I have totally fallen for her personality.  There is always something comical in her stories and she puts pictures of herself that crack me up. Let me also add, that this lady is very sweet and caring.  She tells me that she is praying for me and I know she is.  She has such a unique and fun personality that truly shines through in her writing.

So, there you go.  I had to share these two ladies with you in case you hadn't already had the pleasure of meeting them.  It will be so worth your time to go over and spend some time with them both.  I promise you that you will be blessed and you will walk away with a smile on your face and with a cheerful heart.

Final Thoughts...

I know that I am new to the blogging community, but I have already made so many good friends on here and so many people that I think you should meet also.  Periodically, I would like to take the opportunity to introduce you to some of my new buds and to some people who probably don't even know that I exist, but that I really enjoy visiting with anyway.  Does that make me a stalker if I really like them, and they don't even know who I am?  I hope not.  I might call these posts,
"Moments Of Encouragement...", because I love to encourage people and lift them up and let them know what they mean in my life and how precious they are to God.

See, even if I can't build a new bookcase, I can sure help build someone's self esteem.  This world tries to tear us down so often and  I want to be about building up. 

Hey, I'll post this to What I Built Without My Husband over at Shanty 2 Chic...

What do you think?

Now, go over and meet yourself some new friends, and if you have the time, let them know that you dropped by for a quick visit.


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