Thank You For the Awards

I want to say thank you to two special friends who have recently given me awards.  May I say that I always am humbled by any award, recognition or anything like that?

My first thank you is to Pinetree Home for the Happy Blogger Award.  I am supposed to tell seven things that I like and recognize ten other blogs.  There are so many blogs that I love and I have such a hard time picking on something like this, that I am just going to say that I love you all.  Really, I do.  I am fascinated and in love with so many of your blogs that it is hard for me to pick.  I am also a people pleaser and hate to think that I would leave someone out.  Forgive me...

Here are my seven things I like (love)...

1.  I like my husband a whole lot.  I have always said that you have to like, love and be in love with your spouse.  I really do like him.  He's a great guy!

2.  I like diet Dr. Pepper.  No, who am I kidding, I LOVE diet Dr. Pepper, in a bottle, ice cold.

3.  I like working out in my yard in the sunshine.  That is healing for me, therapy, rejuvenation...

4.  I like my children.  I really do.  I like their personalities.

5.  I like checking out blogs everyday.  It's actually become somewhat of an obsession, so I have to be very careful.

6.  I like staying up late after everyone else is in bed just so I can have some me time.  (homeschooling makes for no quiet time around my house...ever)

7.  I like shopping at Goodwill.  It has become my favorite place to shop.  I NEVER thought when I was younger that I would ever say something like that.  I didn't even like buying a shirt at Wal-Mart when I was a teenager.  What was I thinking???

So there you of my likes.

If you are still with me, now I want to say thank you to Yankee Bell Home.  Jessi gave me a Master of Friendship Blog Award.  I am supposed to list six things that I am a master of and then pass this award along.  Please know that I am not trying to skirt my responsibility, but I will just pass it along to all of you.  You know who you are...all of you that I follow and even one's that I don't follow...yet, this is for you.

So what six things am I a master of?  To be honest with you, I am struggling with this one.  I have no idea if I am a master of anything.  How about if I list what I would like to be a master of?

1.  I would like to master being an excellent wife and mother.

2.  I hope someday to master spending my time wisely and putting God first in my day.

3.  I really want to learn to sew.  Maybe someday I will master that.

4.  I would love to master the gift of encouragement and building others up.  How great would that be!

5.  I would love to master singing.  I can't sing well AT ALL.  It is a joyful noise.

6.  I would love to master money saving.  (my husband would love that also) I am working on it.


Thank you very much, friends, for these awards and for thinking enough of what you read in my blog to pass these along to me.  You are both very kind.

If you have a chance, go check these ladies blogs out.  They are very gifted in what they do.


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