Junkin Treasures + Giveaway

I didn't get to hit the garage sales last weekend. We were busy working in the yard and working on the honey-do list.  I am so excited to be heading to Lucketts Spring Antique Market this Friday. Hubby & I decided to go a day early and hit some of the antique shops, Pottery Barn Outlet and Restoration Hardware Outlet.  Should be a really fun trip!

Just because I didn't make it to the garage sales doesn't mean I don't have junkin treasures to show you.  Oh yes, I have plenty that you haven't seen before!

This is a vintage market basket I bought at a barn sale months ago.  I saw the handle and a small piece of the rattan sticking out of a pile of junk piled up in a corner. I leaped over several  lawn mowers, yard tools and buckets to get to this beauty. The poor guy holding the sale came running over as I am standing on his lawn mower, in my heels, pulling with all my might to dislodge this basket. Several people at the sale came over to help the crazy lady and one woman even held on to my waist to keep me from falling. Yes, this baby is mine and  I only paid $8.00!

Here I have filled the cart with vintage wine bottles.

I picked up this large vintage tool box at my favorite  antique junk shop recently. This is the largest wooden  tool box I have ever seen. It is approximately 4' long. Can't you imagine it full of clay pots and geraniums?

Did you see the two egg baskets behind the tool box. They came from the same store.
Here's a better picture.

I have two giveaways currently going on. If you haven't entered  Giveaway #1 for the flatware caddy and silver you can enter here.

Giveaway #2 is a stamped necklace with pearls and you enter here.

Thanks for visiting and I hope you have a wonderful day!


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