Pictures from the wilderness ...

Our property from the entrance looking east.
Entering the property. The black tube on the left is our electrical connection. The pile of debris on the right was left by the owners of the adjacent land (we assume). It may or may not be on our property; we can't find the property markers and need to resurvey.

The valley view from the northwestern edge of the property.
There are clear animal trails and scat across the property; this is one of several places where the deer bed down. I hope they return when this is all done!
I love the ferns, but they will be an unavoidable casualty when we clear the land. I'm assuming (hoping) they'll grow back. There are more on the land.
Standing in the middle of the land (more or less where we will build), east of the entrance, looking back toward the entrance. I just trekked through these bushes.
Looking south from just below the build site. Despite the blackberries and poison oak, it's so picturesque! 

For more photos of the land in its wilderness state, check out my Picasa album.


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