‘Young learned, old done!’ I do hope that a lot of our Belgian companies of craftsmen will survive for many more generations! Marie and grandfather Henri Marie is the daughter of Geert and Veronique, the owners of the Belgian furniture company MALVINI . Following in her father’s footsteps, Marie would be the third generation of furniture makers. Anthony and grandfather Jacques (1999) Anthony is my son and Jacques is my dad. Belgian company of cabinet-makers LEFEVRE INTERIORS . If Anthony would make plans to join me in business within a few years, he could run the business for the 5th generation. Jef and grandfather Jozef Jef runs the business for the sixth generation!!! Jef runs together with his father Eddy the Belgian company, that creates exquisite front doors, ATELIER SCHRAUWEN . I do hope that I will be able to add more pictures of grandfathers with grandchildren in future. If anyone of you do know a Belgian company of craftsmen or artists, of which th