Skinny Fat...
This is what the Urban Dictionary says about Skinny Fat : To look slim, even with revealing clothes, but when touched, the touching hand sinks into fat before reaching muscle. Older people will 'show' "Skinny fat" visually, but young people have firm skin that hides it until they're touched. "She looks fine, but her skinny fat ass feels like mashed potatoes." --> yes, Urban Dictionary said that. Image via Yep, this would be me. I would define it a little differently though. My definition: "Looking slim while in clothes, but looking very lumpy out of clothes...aka in a bathing suit or mini skirt." How does this happen, one may wonder? Well this is how it goes... You start off with skinny genes from your parents and think, oh great, I'm set in life as a skinny person. Therefore- you don't eat well or exercise. And to top it off you may just decide to start a chocolate shop which means you have to sample everything you make.