Weekend Tradition - Homemade Brunch
Everyone has their own traditions, but brunch is one that I think carries across the board. Who doesn't love to sleep in and then sit for a leisurely mid morning meal comprised of your favorite breakfast foods and bottomless coffee? I for one, am a HUGE fan of brunch! Andy and I have made brunch our unspoken tradition. It just morphed into being and is now a weekly tradition. When I say brunch, I mean homemade brunch. The kind where you sleep in, then the first person wakes up (Andy) and gets the coffee started while the other person slowly crawls out of bed (Me) to help with the grand production of cooking food. Yes, that would be our weekend tradition. Sometimes however, we opt to eat out out for brunch, but usually it is made at home. In our household, Andy is the brunch cook. I cook dinner a lot of evenings, so he takes over where brunch is concerned. He likes to play loud (sometimes techno) music and the kitchen becomes his canvas. He makes everything from fluffy pancakes, to