Inspiration from around the blogasphere - food, crafts, interiors

Firstly I have to apologise for the lack of posts this month, I took an unexpected holiday whereby I purposely left my lil'ol laptop at home, I had no intention to share any "me" time with him/her, even though he/she does have his/her own little back pack. Doing some thinking while away, I've decided to add a new weekly post of inspirational discoveries from other blogs and websites. I would like to include simple but unusual recipes, crafts, interiors and articles I think my readers will enjoy. I'll be adding direct links to these posts so you can pop over and check them out.  

Latest inspirational discoveries are:

1. Basil Lemonade recipe from Camille Styles - so cooling for Summer

2. A lovely printable note card from The Creativity Exchange. For instructions and download please click on the card below.

3. A selection of fretwork overlay designs to spruce up your vintage finds
O'liva on Trondheim
click "here" for link to website for lots more ideas and purchase details

4. With Easter on the horizon... step by step instructions from Martha Stewart including a video to make some surprise chocolate eggs.
Chocolate eggs
click "here" for the link

I'll be making some sweet Easter gifts over the next few weeks so please come back and visit or you can subscribe by a reader or email if you enjoy my blog and don't want to miss out on anything (you will find these on my side bar).

Lee oxo


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