Catherine Lovett’s Crab

While at Tybee Social on our last trip down to Savannah, I came across a pair of paintings by Catherine Lovett that stopped me dead in my tracks…

…this photo hardly does them justice because what you can’t see is her signature use of gold leafing.  I mean, I was literally head over heels in the matter of two point five seconds.  When I found out she was local to Savannah, I became crazy captivated and spent the balance of my evening pouring over her website and driving Mother and Sister batty by rambling on about how I MUST GET ONE OF THESE PAINTINGS!

After talking with her a few times (she’s a doll and I’m convinced we’d be bffs if I still lived down South), we laid out plans for a mixed media coastal crab on 24”x24” wrapped canvas for the baby’s big boy room.  Mother picked it up (and adored her as well) and brought it with her last week and it’s PERFECTION!!!   Fingers crossed the baby doesn’t think it’s as “scary” as the nursery’s balloon curtains.
September 2012 287 copy September 2012 311 copy
Speaking of the baby’s big boy room, we’re making great progress!  I hope to skirt his two bedside tables and frame and hang stuff on the walls this weekend.  Now, excuse me while I go ogle Catherine’s crab…

More big boy room projects:


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