Pretty and Green

Good morning (or afternoon) friends!

Just a word this morning that my brother shared with me a few moments ago.  My niece has been in the hospital since yesterday and is having some different tests run.  I have of course been praying for her and texted him this morning to ask what specifically I could pray for right now.  His response was this.. ”You have already prayed, now just start praising Him”.

(Thanks for the reminder, my sweet brother, to do what I already know but sometimes forget.)

So that is what I am doing.  I am praising Him and thanking Him in advance for what He is doing and going to do.  Doesn’t mean I will stop praying, but I will be praising and expecting along the way.

Let  me just stop right now and say, “I praise you Lord Jesus”!

Okay…moving along to what I want to show you this morning.

When I was in Texas last year I found a beautiful little green table with two small benches.  When my friend Becky didn’t buy it, I knew it had to come to Tennessee with me.

For the last year or so, it has been in our playroom pretty much hiding and not really used.

Well, I decided a few days ago that it needed to make an appearance downstairs in our living room. 

Since I have been shuffling furniture around over the last month, I had the perfect spot for it where it would be greatly used.

table 4

She now sits in a place where she will be used for many things.

table 1

We can sit here and do our school work.

table 7

We can use it to eat at.

table 8

table 2

I can easily set my computer here and play away.

table 3

I can sit here for no reason at all except for the fact that I really love it being in my living room.

table 6

Just moving this little jewel downstairs has made me fall in love with it all over again.

I worked on a little sewing project over the weekend that I can’t wait to show you. 

Yes, I have a sewing machine, BUT I can only sew a straight stitch.  I have relatively no sewing skills, but I do love the little project that I just completed. 

Have a wonderful day and hope to see you again soon here at our home.

You are welcome here anytime.


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