Thank You Thank You Thank You!
I cannot thank you all enough for making my first day as an Etsy shop owner FABULOUS!
I have to tell you that I was so nervous when I activated all of my merchandise yesterday morning and put it out for all the world to see. It felt like the first time that I ever posted a blog…so unsure.
But, I have to say that I thought my first day of business was a great success.
Let me define success for me…
I define success as being what I hope God wanted it to be. I define it as feeling like I have done something as unto Him. I define it as having prayed about it and feeling a peace about the outcome.
So, I have to say yesterday was a success. I gave my little shop to Him again yesterday as I began activating each little item. And, I believe the Bible when it says that if I dedicate my plans to Him, they will succeed.
I pray that He is glorified in all I do, even on my junking expeditions!
(sorry this is so long. will you stay with me a little bit longer)
I have to say thank you to one specific person who has answered more questions and given me more help than a person should ever have to do especially when she doesn’t even know me.
THANK YOU to Julie at Saltbox Treasures!!!
She is fantastic!
She also has a wonderful blog and a beautiful Etsy shop!
It’s amazing how many people on here have told me that they were praying for me and for my shop. Thank you so much for your prayers. I believe in praying about everything and I love that you all would pray along with me. I have made some amazing friends on here!
One more thank you and then I am done.
Thank you to the most wonderful son in the whole wide world. Without him, I would never have opened this shop.
Keith encouraged me months ago to jump on board this Etsy wagon. I strongly and firmly said no way! But he, being the encourager that he is with his mom and being a little stubborn, persisted. I finally saw his vision and took his advice and now here we are.
He has been with me every step of the way helping me along.
Thank you buddy. I LOVE YOU!!
(last thing)
I would love for you to continue to check back with my shop and see the new treasures that I will be adding often.
I actually went flea marketing today and found some really neat things that I will be adding soon.
I would also love it if you would tell your friends about Amys All Things Home Etsy Shop.
(thanks for staying with me through this awfully long post)
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