How Does Your Garden Grow?

At home, finally!! 

After two years of sharing space in our community garden, we are so excited to bring our fruits, veggies and herbs home to a sunny spot in the back yard!
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We have more space than in past years AND we can just step out the back door to enjoy the fruits of our labor.  Here’s how we did it:
- After clearing the overgrown weed infested bed that previously resided there, Honey constructed three raised garden bed kits from Home Depot, giving us a 12’x4’ planting area.
- Honey constructed a basic fence of 2’x4’s and hardware cloth and painted it black.  We left a 3’ border on all sides to be able to easily maneuver inside the fence.  The completed size is 18’x10’.  The obvious goal of the fence is to keep out the rabbits and other large animals roaming around but it’s probably already saved our tender little vegetables one thousand times from stray soccer  balls and children in pursuit.
- The littles and I shopped for all sorts of organic fruits, veggies and herbs to fill up our plots.  After planting, we mulched with wood chips from our very own oak tree that fell flat out of the ground a few weeks back. 
- We fertilize with E.B. Stone Organic Tomato & Vegetable Food and in past years have used Captain Jack’s Deadbug Brew to fight those pesky garden invaders.  I found both at Atlanta’s Pike Nurseries.
- I labeled our garden tags with vinyl letters.
- And, when the top came off the deck for the porch building project, we found a pile of slate stones left over from when the previous owners put in our front and back walkways.  We hauled a few over to make a nice little entryway.
- We’ve had two frost scares since planting.  In preparation, we thoroughly watered the garden and then covered the plants with newspaper tents. 
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We’re growing squash, eggplant, red and green peppers, three varieties of tomatoes, strawberries, cucumbers and okra.  In the herb department, we’ve got basil, cilantro, mint, lavender, dill, chives, rosemary and oregano.
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It was honestly a LOT of work and took a LOT of time, but we couldn’t be happier about it.  We planted everything at the beginning of the month and have already watched our squash sprout from seeds and everything else double in size (at least).  We count the flowers popping up every day and can’t wait for them to turn into tomatoes and peppers.

But it hasn’t been all work and no play around these parts!  Yesterday sorority big sis and her littlest headed over from across town to play, lunch and catch up.  Just look at these two handsome boys…
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And last night I celebrated THREE friend’s birthdays on a fantastic night out at a local pasta joint.

Have a great week!

Sharing at The Polohouse.


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