Ironstone and a Barn Sale

Hey all!

Question…do you ever have the feeling that you “need” to go into a certain store?  No, not really need, but “want”.    I hardly ever go into our local Goodwill because I rarely find anything that I really like.

Tuesday, I decided I wanted to take a quick run inside and just see if there was anything good on the shelves. 

Oh my, was there something good.   Sitting all alone on a top shelf just waiting for my hands to pick it up, was this little jewel.

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Oh yes, my hands couldn’t grab it quickly enough.  I turned it over and it read…J & G Meakin, Ironstone China.

Guess what the price read…$5.99.  Yes, I had an itty bitty heart attack. 

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This pitcher is about 12” tall so it’s a great size to make a great statement.


Such a great find at such a fantastic price!!!

Thanks to whoever decided it needed to go to my local Goodwill store.  I appreciate you and it! 

Now some other quick but very exciting news!!

I am going to my first ever barn sale on Friday in Hartsville, Tennessee, and I cannot wait!

I met the cutest vendor at the Nashville Flea Market a couple of months ago and she told me about a barn sale she would be hosting in the spring at her farm, Starlite Farm. 

The Strawberry Patch Barn Sale is beginning on Thursday evening and will on Friday and Saturday.

Take a look at her blog for more info…

Will let you know what goodies I find.

God bless you, my friends.

Linking up my treasure at Savvy City Farmer


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