What I Loved
What I loved about my kids this week…let me count the things…
1. The fact that my baby loves to eat the good stuff. No pb&j for this monkey. We dine together alfresco on the porch on things like pimento cheese sandwiches on italian five grain bread, spicy pickled okra and juicy fresh strawberries.
2. That after my lengthy explanation of why flies are dirty (they sit on things like dog poop and then they roost on your grape and then you eat your grape and it’s like you just ate dog poop), the PCP replied with this “Mommy. I’m not worried. A fly’s leg is smaller than practically anything. So even if all four legs had dog poop on them it would barely be any poop at all.” (At which point Honey launched into a heated discussion about how many legs a fly has. The answer is six, if you were wondering.)
3. Spending my days with this little monkey. He’s terribly entertaining and is really just as sweet as can be when nobody is around to nudge him into trouble.
4. Part of John’s first first grade homework assignment was to learn his address and phone number. We started learning these facts back in pre-school and, at the time, I thought it prudent to teach him that 9-1-1 was his phone number. I mean, if he were ever to be out wandering around at age four, five or even six without someone that already KNOWS his phone number I figured 1) it was a true emergency and 2) he’d have much better luck at remembering three digits than ten. Flash forward two years and he says “Mommy. I already know my phone number. Remember? 9-1-1.” Ahhhh…what a tangled web we weave…
5. Whit started a new class at school too and he came home the first day with this report… “Mommy, my teacher BERY (very) UGLY TO ME. She give everyone a sticker and not me.” Why didn’t he get a sticker, you ask? “Because I wrestling with a boy who look like my friend Colin.” Ooooookay, then. It just became crystal clear which one of my children is going to be the hand full in school. I have a sneaking suspicion that his prior teachers have been to enamored by his blond hair and blue eyes to ever truly discipline him. And it’s due time.

Honey’s off at some Fantasy Football gathering and the littles are itching to pull out the slip and slide. Duty calls…
1. The fact that my baby loves to eat the good stuff. No pb&j for this monkey. We dine together alfresco on the porch on things like pimento cheese sandwiches on italian five grain bread, spicy pickled okra and juicy fresh strawberries.
2. That after my lengthy explanation of why flies are dirty (they sit on things like dog poop and then they roost on your grape and then you eat your grape and it’s like you just ate dog poop), the PCP replied with this “Mommy. I’m not worried. A fly’s leg is smaller than practically anything. So even if all four legs had dog poop on them it would barely be any poop at all.” (At which point Honey launched into a heated discussion about how many legs a fly has. The answer is six, if you were wondering.)
3. Spending my days with this little monkey. He’s terribly entertaining and is really just as sweet as can be when nobody is around to nudge him into trouble.
4. Part of John’s first first grade homework assignment was to learn his address and phone number. We started learning these facts back in pre-school and, at the time, I thought it prudent to teach him that 9-1-1 was his phone number. I mean, if he were ever to be out wandering around at age four, five or even six without someone that already KNOWS his phone number I figured 1) it was a true emergency and 2) he’d have much better luck at remembering three digits than ten. Flash forward two years and he says “Mommy. I already know my phone number. Remember? 9-1-1.” Ahhhh…what a tangled web we weave…
5. Whit started a new class at school too and he came home the first day with this report… “Mommy, my teacher BERY (very) UGLY TO ME. She give everyone a sticker and not me.” Why didn’t he get a sticker, you ask? “Because I wrestling with a boy who look like my friend Colin.” Ooooookay, then. It just became crystal clear which one of my children is going to be the hand full in school. I have a sneaking suspicion that his prior teachers have been to enamored by his blond hair and blue eyes to ever truly discipline him. And it’s due time.
Honey’s off at some Fantasy Football gathering and the littles are itching to pull out the slip and slide. Duty calls…
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