Earthquake cancels flight...uuggh

Today Richmond, Va experienced  a 5.9 magnitude earthquake.  There has not been an earthquake anywhere near this magnitude since 1897!   The tremors were felt as far as NY.

Happy to say there was not a lot of damage nor any known casualties from the quake.  Unfortunately,  the airport was closed and all planes were rerouted.  Our flight to JFK was cancelled as they also evacuated that airport. 

So tonight we sit at home eating take-out Chinese when we should be on the way to Venice..uuggh! 
We are booked for another flight tomorrow afternoon. 

 Please don't let Hurricane Irene change those plans.

Tomorrow we try this again.

My sweet husband tried to lighten things up by saying "That wasn't an earthquake.  It was just Sherry's big, heavy suitcase being thrown on the conveyor belt".   

Wish us luck!



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